The Last Blog

     Hey guys,

    As my final Fall semester is coming to a close, as to are my blogs. Taking you back to the first week of this course, I can remember my exact reaction when I learned that we were going to be writing blogs twice a week for every week of this course. Needless to say I was not very happy. I can remember sitting down to write my first blog post, as thoughts kept escaping my brain on what to write about. Our course provided the framework for these blogs as we wrote one blog regarding a chapter in our textbook, and another on our personal lives or whatever else we felt like writing about. Honestly, I found writing about the textbook much easier than on my personal life. Before this semester, I do not think I had ever sat down and started writing about the things going on in my life.

    The blogs seemed tedious and strenuous for no reason to start, however after about week two or three I started to realize that I could use this assignment as a reflection tool and a journal. This is the last normal week of school before exams begin for my final Fall semester at ONU. During my first few blogs, I mentioned frequently that this was my last year in school and also my last Fall semester. I found it really hard to believe I was really about to finish school soon, and it still is kind of shocking to me. However, after blogging for the past few months and taking much time to reflect over my semester. I feel very at peace with how this semester has turned out, I have had many stressful weeks, many late nights, but it was all worth it. In May I will be walking across that stage receiving my diploma that all of this work has led up to. 

   I will continue to blog and write things down in my own personal journal and I believe these blogs have contributed much to that, so I want to say thank you to blogging. I would also like to encourage you if you have never tried, to just write down your feelings and what is going on in your life. Who knows what difference it might make.

    I hope you all enjoyed reading my blogs this semester and maybe even learned a thing or two. 

