Oh, So We Are Blogging: Chapter 12

    As we began this course I grew nervous as the realization set in that I would be blogging two times every week for the rest of the semester. Even though I am still in my early days of writing blogs, I have started to warm up to the idea and realized it is a great way to reflect. 

    However, now-a-days it seems more commonplace to use social media and similar platforms as a way to share and reflect with others memories, events, music, fashion, and much more. 

Chapter 12 discusses the history of blogs, marketing in blogging, how to get a blog started, writing and optimizing blog posts, and then it begins to introduce the ideas of podcasting, vlogging, and other media outlets. Blogging began in the 1990s with Justin Hall, where he shared ideas, thoughts and opinions about his personal life. I think it is really interesting how blogging came from such a humble beginning as one man started the entire movement. These posts began to explode in popularity with "77% of internet users reading blogs". Another interesting fact is, "55% of marketers say blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority." Blogging increases brand awareness, humanizes the brand, and facilitates word-of-mouth marketing among many other things.

    I believe that blogging is a great way to spread awareness on movements, brands, and ideas, however the power of vlogs and podcasting are endless. These platforms provide many opportunities for brands to seize market share and exponentially increase the number of eyes or ears that view them. 

    As I said before, I began this course not knowing much at all about posting on socials or blogging in general. So, I look forward to this next challenge and am excited to keep writing! 


  1. You make a good point, even though blogs are usually used for social communication, they would be a great place to organize big groups or events.


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