Alumni Game Weekend

     Hey guys, 

    This week marks my final alumni game as a student here at ONU. While this is not my final alumni game ever, being a senior, I will soon be moving on to the alumni team after this season. This weekend has been circled on the alumni's calendars all year and is one where they all get to come back to the place they called home for four years, Ada. This place has shaped and changed me more than I can possibly know, and I know the alumni feel the same way. And while I still have some time left to shape my story here, the alumni do not and is a time where they all get to see their college friends and share stories of their glory days together. This weekend is a very emotional yet fun weekend, where we get to bring together all who have supported and put in the blood, sweat, and tears to get us to where we are today. Being able to spend time with these alumni's is one of the highlights of my fall semester. 

    After our alumni game on Friday night, we then have a team practice at seven the next morning, which is then followed by a parents meeting with coach. After this parents meeting, we have our team banquet to honor our 2022-23 season. This banquet is a formal occasion for all family and friends of ONU lacrosse, this is a time where we are honored by all of our hard work and dedication we put into this team and sport. While this banquet is formal, this is still a great time where the whole community gets to interact with one another, including the parents and alumni. During this banquet, we also recieve our varsity letters for those who earned it in the previous season. Along with this letter, our parents and boosters have raised money for gifts for each letter received. We then spend this time to honor the seniors who have graduated from last year, even though there will be only one this year. 

    I feel like I run out of things to say in these blogs sometimes, but I have noticed that the more I write about life and these memories it has allowed me to further enjoy these things and really be intentional in my life. As I had never even wrote a blog before, I am glad that I have started and am excited to continue writing to all of you the rest of the year. 

Here is a pic of some of the alumni who will be losing Friday night! 


  1. Drew,
    Loved reading this blog and I hope the alumni game goes well! Enjoy the moment and these blogs have been fun to read!


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