We Are SO Back

     With Fall just around the corner and October quickly approaching, comes my second-most favorite time of the year, Fall Ball. We have started practices as of 6:00am this morning and it went off without a hinge. While, the 5:00am alarm scared me a bit last night, waking up and getting the opportunity to go out there with my best friends and play the sport I love while the sun is still rising felt revitalizing. We started this morning with stretches on a small piece of grass outside of Dial Roberson Stadium at 5:45am this morning to be stretched and ready promptly at the 6:00am start time. We then began practice with simple passing drills and moved into competition, then into a full scrimmage. We finished practice with some conditioning and sprints to prepare us for the beginning of testing early next week.

    At the beginning of every Fall and Spring semester we begin our training with benchmark tests for coach to gauge the work everyone has been putting in during the off-season. These tests include: a Bench-press test (ten reps of body weight), 300 Run test (3x300 in fifty-four seconds), One-and-a-half mile run test (under twelve minutes), Wall Ball test, and finally a Jump Rope test. While these tests can be very strenuous, especially for the incoming freshman, they are a great way to determine the high standards we have for our program. 

    I am very excited for this upcoming season and hopeful in our pursuit to win an OAC championship. This has been one of our goals for the past four years I have been here, however we have been eliminated by either John Carroll or Baldwin Wallace in the semi-finals every year. This year I feel is different, with almost our whole team returning besides one person, our determination to win is higher than ever.

    For any of my fellow athletes out there, and I know everyone says it, however your time is limited so do not take any moment for granted and enjoy it!

Go Bears! 


  1. Drew,
    This post made me excited about your Lacrosse season! Jumping back into a season can be hard but very rewarding. You are completely right your time is now and you have to take every opportunity to get better to reach your goals. Great post! Good luck to you and your Lax season.


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