What a Day to Be Alive

    Hi everyone!

 Week 5 has come and it marks one third of the way through the fall semester. It is so surreal to me still, looking back and realizing that this could be my last fall semester of school in my life. I have always enjoyed school yet it has still always seemed like a chore to me. I love the social, learning and creative aspects of modern day schooling, however there should be a shift in curriculum to be suited more for real life skills and technologies that students will have to face when they leave schooling. This would be much more beneficial towards students as they transition from high school into college and then college into the real world, if that is the route that they choose. However, I have loved my schooling experience and believe that it has instilled in me life long skills such as problem solving, organization, creativity among many others. The reason I am writing about this is because I want to make it a point to take advantage of every day here at school and soak it up as much as possible before it is gone. 

    In the lacrosse world, fall testing is in full swing and we began yesterday with our bench test. The expectation for the bench test is that each individual bench's his body weight for ten reps. This test has proved over the years to be the most difficult for myself, as lifting was not stressed at my high school and therefore I had no experience in this until college. I have seen myself progress immensely since then and continue to make improve every year at this test. 

    This morning, we got to attack our one mile and a half run bright and early at five o'clock sharp. This test has always been my strong suite as I have been a runner for as long as I can remember and I clocked in at a time of nine minutes and fifty nine seconds. This was my best time on this test, as I normally clock in at an average of ten minutes and thirty seconds, and it showed me that some of my work in the off season is actually paying off. After this we continued on with practice as normal and ended just in time for all of the people with eight o'clock classes to go. Practice did not look pretty, however I was proud of the fact that all of us kept battling after this test and we got to play the sport we love before the sun had ever come up. It is kind of an eerie feeling, waking up and it is still dark out, the world is quiet, but getting to go step onto that field and when the bright lights turn on there is no better feeling. Feels like home. 


  1. Awesome blog! It's important to look back and reflect on all that you have done throughout your college experience. As for lacrosse, I wish you guys the best in the fall testing and during the season in the spring!

  2. It's great that you're tracking your progress and that you're continuing to improve! Good luck on all of your tests!

  3. Drew,
    I can't believe we are so far into the semester already! I hope that testing goes well for you and the rest of the team as you continue to complete each test one by one. That is always an exciting start to the season but can be very stressful as well. Good luck and great post!


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