Chapter 7: Run it back to Snapchat

 Hey guys,

    Here we are again talking about one of the most influential and popular social media platforms in our world today, Snapchat! In my last post about this platform, I gave a brief introduction on the beginnings of Snapchat and gave you five things to take home that you might not have known before. Today, I would like to show you how to best utilize this great tool for all of your marketing and advertising campaigns. 

    A great way to utilize Snapchat as a marketing and advertising tool would be to post short, and fun content. Snapchat users have catered to younger demographics, therefore pictures and videos should not be focusing on capturing the highest quality moments. Instead, brands should have fun with posting on snap, even when posting business content. Users on this platform have shown to take a greater liking to sharing quick and funny memories. Brands should limit their Snapchat stories to no longer than two minutes. Talk to the camera and give personal perspective on the content you are sharing. You may also utilize the abundance of creative tools Snapchat has to offer, this will help you stand out. 

    Like many other social platforms such as Instagram or Facebook, it is important to post often and at the right times of day. When it comes to time of day, think to yourself about when your target market would most likely be online. The primary demographics of this platform are teenagers and college students, posting after school hours is always a good idea. Snapchat differs from the rest in that it is a nocturnal social platform, so its recommended posting time is between 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. 

    Snapchat also is great for storytelling, as the interface allows you to post multiple snaps in a row allowing for viewers to follow you through your best moments. Keep users entertained by posting a series of photos or videos that tell a story to build up an upcoming launch or event. 

    Snapchat allows advertisers to choose from over 300 audiences based on what Shapchatters care about, what they buy, and where they go. Brands can optimize their ad campaigns with custom audiences that allow brands to reach more users on data that is unique to their business, product or service. There are two campaign creation flows offered by Snapchat, instant create and advanced create. In instant create, advertisers can create a single image or video in less than five minutes. With advanced create, advertisers who are looking for more specific and sophisticated ad objectives can choose from a handful of objectives such as awareness, considerations or conversions. 

    With Snapchat's great format as a social platform and its influence on the younger generation. I think that this tool is a must for all brands looking to grow and utilize social media in their marketing or advertising campaigns. 


  1. Drew,
    You provided great insight into the world of Snapchat! As the world is progressing in social media, brands should definitely use Snapchat for marketing and advertising campaigns. Great post!


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