Chapter 8: How Can You Up Your Pinterest Marketing Game?

 Hey guys, 

    Are you a brand wanting to make a name for yourself on Pinterest? Are you simply an individual looking to sell your new clothing designs? Either way you want to capture Pinterest users attention and transition those clicks or pins to conversions. Pinterest is used as a visual pinboard-style social sharing network where people discover and save ideas. Every idea is represented by a "pin" that includes an image, video, description, and a link back to an online source. 

    For those of you wanting to use Pinterest as part of your social media strategy and campaigns, it is recommended to pin anywhere between five and 30 times per day. If the quality of your content starts to suffer, brands should pull back on the number of pins and focus on quality. Generally, weekdays are the best for pinning content, with Saturdays being the best day of the week. Between 2-4 p.m. and 8-1 a.m. are generally the best times to pin. 

    Pinterest is a visual platform, so brands should only pin high-quality images and videos, and brands should showcase products and services in creative visual ways. The Pinterest trends tool is a great marketing tool for brands to form an effective content strategy on the platform. It allows marketers to study what other brands are posting and doing. Brands can leverage trends by putting together a list of key topic trends and tags to use for future posts and descriptions to capitalize on search engine optimization (SEO) and Pinterest algorithms. Every year, Pinterest publishes its 'Pinterest Predicts' overview, which looks at the latest, inspiring and rising trends that are set to become even more significant over the next year. Taking a look at this report and identifying a few trends would be a great starting point for those marketers looking to grow their Pinterest presence.

    In terms of store presence, Pinterest offers that as well. Leveraging Pinterest Shopping, the easiest way for brands to make an item shoppable by using product pins with real-time pricing, availability and information on where to buy your product. 

    I hope that this blog has helped anyone of you looking to utilize the Pinterest platform in your social media marketing campaigns or your personal brand. Here is a picture of Gatorade, who used Pinterest during their Gatorade Zero campaign. 

