It's Fall Break

Hey guys,

After a much needed break on Sunday and a big weekend of family and lacrosse, we are back and rolling this week with fall break right around the corner. 

    I am really excited for this break as me and some of my college roommates and teammates have planned a trip to Traverse City, Michigan for the weekend. We have rented an Air B&B to stay in for the weekend, our house comes with it's own sauna, plenty of bedrooms and bathrooms, a patio that leads to the lake and dock, two kayaks, and access to grocery delivery. This all came at a very affordable cost split between six or seven guys, which is what sold us on the place in the first place. We have planned to golf on Saturday morning and play a round of eighteen with our group, and also plan to rent a boat on Sunday as this will also be pretty cheap for a group of our size. 

    Trips like these remind me of my childhood, back when we took family trips together more regularly, we would go up to our uncle Joe's cabin in Michigan on the lake. I have so many fond memories on this lake and will always remember going out on the lake with my family, whether it was tubing or fishing or even just a relaxing joy ride. I miss this part of life, with how busy life gets between school, family, lacrosse, friends, on top of a million other things, I wish I just put more time aside to relax and enjoy life. 

    Here is a funny story from my younger years back at my uncle Joe's cabin. This kids and adults used to sleep in separate houses when we would stay up there, mind you they were right next to each other so we were not alone. Anyways, us kids were up way past our bedtime one night being loud and our uncle Joe and my dad, Rick, thought they would play a prank on us to get us to go to bed. They knew where the power control panel was at for our house, and decided it would be a great idea to turn it off, but just for the kids house. As we all scream and ran out of the house towards the parents house, my dad and uncle jumped out from the bushes and scared us more than I could ever describe. Needless to say we went to bed after that. Just thought that would be a funny story to tell, and it was one of my favorite memories from that cottage. 

Here is a cool fall pic!


  1. That sounds awesome! Hope you have a blast. I too cannot wait to get this much needed break.


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