Week 8 & The Job Search

 Hey guys,

    Wow, it is week eight already! It is crazy to think that this semester is already halfway done, it has flown by. This also means that we are one quarter through the entire academic year. Being a senior, and with graduation gradually coming closer and closer, recently I have been applying and exploring for opportunities to continue my professional journey after college. 

    Applying for these jobs and searching for my future occupation comes with much stress, yet also excitement. After May, I could move anywhere in the country and start my life there, I could travel to Europe and find an occupation there, I could go back to school and study for my masters degree, just to name a few. These are just a few of the options I have considered throughout this process, and while my adventurous side of me would love to move away and travel, it seems more logical to stay in Ohio for the time being. However, I will not rule out any opportunities that have not come my way thus far. 

    I am thrilled for this next chapter of my life, however leaving behind the great friends I have made over the years here at ONU, as well as, my lacrosse family is going to be the hardest thing. I have started to search for jobs primarily in the Toledo, Columbus and Cleveland areas, as my family lives in the Toledo area and I would like to stay close to them for the next few years. I have been searching for entry-level positions in the healthcare industry involving markets such as marketing, sales and wellness. I am looking to work with any sized organization, however I have been primarily attracted towards Cardinal Health, Medical Mutual and CoverMyMeds during my job search. 

    Again, I know I keep saying it but everyday seems to go by faster as we approach May. However, I just want to make a point to all of you reading, whether you are a freshman in high school or a senior in college, enjoy your time and be in the moment. These times in high school and college are some that you will never get back, and are a pivotal time in your lives to grow and learn not only in school, but as people. 

After recently returning from a short lived fall break vacation up north, I am ready to get back to work for the second half of this semester and finish the last few weeks of fall ball out strong. 

Thanks for reading! 


  1. Drew,
    I think it's smart to stay near family for a couple years. It gives you plenty of time to adjust to changes and save up before traveling far! Good luck with job search and finishing these last few weeks of semester!

  2. Great blog! It's important to not take your senior year for granted. Cherish the last few months of your senior year and continue to make memories. It's also important to be super excited about your future. You're turning into a young professional! That's awesome!

  3. It's definitely good that you have an idea of where you want to go after graduation and I'm sure plenty of opportunities will come your way! Best of luck!


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