Almost Thanksgiving

 Hey guys,

    Crazy to think that it is already almost Thanksgiving, only one more week! This time of the year, especially heading into Christmas, is one of my favorite times of the year. It is filled with family time, great meals, wonderful candles, Christmas trees, lights, turkey's and so much more. Whenever this time of year comes around I can not help but feel a sense of hope and joy in the world, and I think everyone could use a little bit of that right now. 

    My family is pretty traditional when it comes to these holidays, however we always somehow find a way to make the holidays a bit more exciting. My Thanksgiving generally starts out with waking up to the smell of a delicious breakfast casserole that my grandma had so perfectly crafted. Throw a little bit of hot sauce on a piece and you will be in heaven. Anyways, we generally eat breakfast and then prepare ourselves for the big day of eating ahead. After everyone is ready to hit the road, we set out for my aunt's house where we always watch the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and the dog show afterwards. After spending a couple hours at my aunt's house, we all pack our things and head to my grandparents house in Michigan for the rest of our evening.

    My grandparents house has always been a special place for me, growing up there, in the woods of Michigan, it felt like my own little world. I remember going to the creek and building forts with my papa, taking my sisters through the creek barefooted and even thinking what it would be like to live out in the wilderness. My papa has always taught me to be curious and I really think that is where I got my outdoor spirit from. 

    Anyways, back to Thanksgiving. As we enter my grandparents home we are greeted by two massive Greater Swiss Mountain dogs who are the sweetest and most caring dogs in the world, despite their impressive stature. Shortly after, football starts to play on the television and the smell of turkey fills the house. We then sit down for dinner and begin our feast. Everything you could imagine is on the table, turkey, stuffing, mashed potato's, brown gravy, cranberries, and rolls just to name some of my favorites. Memories flood the table as we conversate and remember all of the great times we have had together as a family. And, after all that is what this holiday is all about. Remember where you came from, and be grateful for all you have. 

I want to hear about your Thanksgiving traditions, what is your favorite Thanksgiving dish? What does your family do for the holidays? Comment below! 

