Chapter 9: How To Use LinkedIn in Marketing Strategy

    Hey guys,

    LinkedIn is the world largest professional network, with over 900 million users in over 200 countries worldwide. LinkedIn is where professionals gather to stay connected, apply for jobs, advance their careers and much more. I have largely utilized this platform as it has aided me in my job/internship search immensely and helped me connect with many other young professionals in my field. 

    Now, lets talk about marketing strategy. LinkedIn is not only a platform for personal branding and networking, it's an excellent platform for brands to deepen their relationships with employees and consumers and even gain valuable sales leads. This platform is the number one channel for business to business marketers to distribute content. Brands have had great success with lead generation on the platform by activating their sales teams through social selling tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator. U

    We are now going to dive a bit deeper into the content strategy you should be utilizing on LinkedIn to better connect with your employees and consumers. This first thing you should be doing is be posting relevant content. When LinkedIn users were asked what their top reasons were for following a company, staying informed on the industry and staying up-to-date on the latest news from the company were the top two selections. Secondly, you should be posting a wide variety of content. Professional audiences on LinkedIn seek educational industry-related content that helps them become more productive and successful. A good mix of content to use in your LinkedIn strategies include, eBooks, SlideShare presentations, infographics, blog posts, case studies, videos, tip sheets, just to give you a few ideas. Next, you should be keeping your posts short. Posts that are shorter than 150 words tend to entice followers to click to learn more. Be creative. In order for brands posts to stand out in the newsfeed, it needs to have some stopping power. Ask thought-provoking questions or make posts personal to an audience by calling a certain group of followers or consumers out. Posting regularly and at optimal times is also crucial in your marketing content strategy on LinkedIn. LinkedIn recommends that brands post at least one time per day and the best times to post would be during the working hours, and the best days to post would be weekdays. More specifically, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. are the most optimal times to post. 

    I hope that you found this blog to be informative as you look to utilize the best professional social platform and grow your personal and organizational brands. 
