Three More Weeks!

     Hi guys,

    Took a break from the blogging last week to celebrate Thanksgiving and spend time with family back home. After returning back from a much needed break I began to settle back into my space here and get back into the swing of things. Three more weeks until winter break is finally here! Three more weeks until twinkling lights are hung as far as the eye can see and the smells of Christmas cookies fills homes around the world. 

    This time of the year is a time for hope and a time to spend time with the ones you hold nearest. Some of my favorite Christmas traditions include going to see the "Lights at the Zoo" with my family, which are held at the Toledo Zoo every year. Another tradition that I have since out grown is sledding. I can fondly remember as a kid walking what seemed to be a mile in the blistering cold, all bundled up in my winter gear, with my mom and sisters as we prepared to defeat the hill that sat outside our neighborhood. We would spend hours climbing up and flying down the hill, I remember watching so many people wipeout on that hill, thankfully it was never me though. Anyways, I would like to keep this tradition alive and I have begun thinking about starting to snowboard when I am out of college. I have never been or even skied before, I know this will be hard, but that kid inside of me would love to get back out on a hill sometime. 

    I am excited to finish this semester out strong and continue to grind through the next three weeks to come. I am sure lacrosse will keep us busy through the remainder of the semester as we prepare for our annual secret Santa gift exchange and a big season on the books. Hope you all have a great holiday! 

Here's a pic from the Toledo Zoo! 


  1. Awh this is such a great read. Christmas is the best time of year! Save me a cookie please!

  2. Drew,
    What a great post! I miss indulging in all of the Christmas traditions I loved as a child, especially sledding! I have always wanted to learn to ski or snowboard as well so I hope you do end up trying it out!

  3. I'm also really excited about Christmas! Snowboarding and skiing are super scary! I fractured my knee snowboarding a few years ago!!

  4. Sounds like a great holiday Drew! I can't wait for the holidays to roll around, one of my favorite times of the year for sure!


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