Business As Usual

    I began this week just like every other one, with four eggs and a hashbrown, my way to prepare myself for the day to come. This is week two of fifteen as I share something new, in my life, that I have done, experienced, or learned in the week prior. I want to share anything from my life that has brought me excitement, or a story that provided inspiration, or maybe even a memorable moment. 

    Last week began our 2023-24 lacrosse offseason, we began our strength and conditioning program with lifts every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for the next four weeks. However, this week we were informed that we will be taking our roster pictures for the upcoming season. 

    Now yes, these roster pictures can be fun, and are, for many sports teams around the country, with goofy mustaches and facial hair to shaved heads. It can get to be a bit crazy, however we are not allowed to do those things unfortunately. Despite this, these pictures had a deeper meaning to them for me. Taking a step back after the flash and snap of that camera, I had realized that was the last roster picture I will have taken of me for the rest of my life. For as long as I can remember I have been playing this sport, the sport that I love, and it is crazy to think that this ride is almost over. Although something as simple as a roster picture may be, it made me think about this journey I have been on and how, 5 year old me would never have thought I was going to be a college athlete, at any level.

    So, I guess rather than a first, this is a last. The last roster picture I will ever have taken of me in my lacrosse career. And although it seems as a somber moment, I feel as if I can only view this as a positive because no matter what I do, nothing will change that I will no longer be able to play lacrosse everyday with my best friends. So I might as well enjoy every single moment while I still have it, and view everyday like it is my last with them. 

    Again, this is only my second blog so I am not entirely sure how this is going to flow, but I am just writing off of the top of mind. I really want to use this blog to serve as a memory book for future me to look back on. 

Throwback to junior year pics!


  1. Drew,
    I love that you are using this platform in a way to remember the times spent here at ONU. I am also going through similar thoughts and feelings as this too might be my last season playing collegiate sports. It is crazy to think about but I am sure you and me both are immensely grateful for our athletic careers.

  2. Drew,
    This was a very moving blog. I'm sure the memories that you made were ones to last a life time. It's important to reflect on how far you have come and appreciate the little things in life. Well Done!

  3. Drew,
    I loved reading this post and I hope this last season with your friends is one that is unforgettable! Good luck this season and I hope you make the most of every moment!


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